
Washington, Jun 14: US President Donald Trump has given Defence Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to determine troop levels in Afghanistan, media reports said today, paving the way for sending more American forces to the war-torn country. Such an authorisation was granted to Mattis by Trump yesterday. Mattis, according to The New York Times, is believed to favour sending several thousands more

Washington, Jun 14: A plane carrying University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier, who had been detained in North Korea for 17 months and was in a coma for most of it, touched down in Cincinnati on Tuesday night. The 22-year-old's return marks an end to the ordeal that his family has been through, not knowing what had happened to Warmbier since he was sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard

London, Jun 14: Fire swept through a high-rise apartment building in west London early Wednesday, killing an six people and sending more than 50 people to area hospitals. Flames shot from windows all the way up the 24-story Grenfell Tower in North Kensington as more than 200 firefighters battled the blaze. A plume of smoke stretched for miles (kilometers) over the capital. “This is an

New York, Jun 13: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "vision for a new India" will also help create jobs in the US, President Donald Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer said while announcing Modi's White House visit scheduled for June 26. Addressing the common interests of the two countries in an environment where Trump's promotion of a policy of "Buy American, hire American" is stoking apprehensions

Dhaka, Jun 13: Landslides triggered by heavy rains have killed at least 42 people in Bangladesh, authorities said today. A depression in the Bay of Bengal influenced the weather all over the country yesterday, bringing about incessant rainfall which inundated Dhaka and Chittagong cities. Twenty five people were killed in Rangamati, 11 in Rangunia and Chandanaish upazilas of Chittagong and six in

Washington, Jun 13: The visa ban is about national security and not against any religion, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has said after a US appeals court upheld a decision blocking President Donald Trump's revised executive order imposing a travel ban on six Muslim-majority nations. "President Trump knows that the country he has been elected to lead is threatened daily by terrorists who

Moscow, Jun 13: Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny was found guilty of repeatedly calling for unlawful protests and sentenced to 30 days of detention, following a day of nationwide anti-corruption demonstrations, the media reported. Navalny, in court in Moscow, on Monday night accused the judge of helping the police write the justification for his arrest, reports CNN. His wife, Yulia

Delhi, Jun 13: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be in the United States on 25th and 26th of June this year on the invitation on President Donald Trump. He will be holding talks with US President on June 26. This will be the first meeting between the two leaders. However, they have spoken to each other over phone three times since Trump's inauguration in January this year. PM Modi last visited US

Lahore, Jun 12: A Pakistani counter-terrorism court has sentenced to death a man who allegedly committed blasphemy on Facebook, a government prosecutor said on Sunday, the first time someone has been handed the death penalty for blaspheming on social media. The conviction of Taimoor Raza, 30, follows a high-profile crackdown against blasphemy on social media by the government of Prime Minister

Paris, June 12: French President Emmanuel Macron’s party is on course for an overwhelming parliamentary majority after Sunday’s first round of voting for the National Assembly that left traditional parties in disarray. Forecasts based on partial results showed Macron continuing his centrist revolution, with his Republique en Marche party (Republic on the Move, REM) and its ally MoDem tipped to win