
Bosasso, Apr 3: Pirates have hijacked an Indian commercial ship off the coast of Somalia and the vessel is heading toward the shore, a former government anti-piracy official told Reuters on Monday. "We understand Somali pirates hijacked a commercial Indian ship and (it is heading) towards Somalia shores," Abdirizak Mohamed Dirir, a former director of the anti-piracy agency in Somalia's semi

Islamabad, Apr 3: China, Pakistan and Russia are inching closer to form an alliance to stabilise war-torn Afghanistan, where the three countries see the emergence of Islamic State terror group as a common threat, a media report today said. The strategic calculation are changing after competing for well over two decades. Islamabad and Moscow are all set to become part of a possible alliance in a

Islamabad, Apr 2: Pakistan's former interior minister Rehman Malik today fell for a April Fool's Day prank when he reacted to a fake news story about naming of Islamabad's new airport after Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Express Tribune early today ran a story as an April Fool's Day prank on its website that the government has decided to name a new airport in the capital after the Chinese

London, Apr 1: China, on Friday banned burqas, veils and 'abnormal' beards in a Muslim province claiming that it is a crackdown on religious extremism. As per the Independent, the measures also forced people to watch state television, follow decades of ethnic and religious discrimination against Xinjiang's 10 million-strong ethic Uyghur population. The new regulation, which will come to force from

Washington, Apr 1: More than two dozen photos of the Pentagon taken after a plane crashed into it on Sept. 11, 2001, have reappeared in recent days on the FBI's website six years after they were first made public. The posting misled some to believe the photos from 9/11 had never before been seen. FBI spokeswoman Jillian Stickels told The Associated Press on Friday the 27 photos were first posted

Seoul, Mar 31: South Korea's disgraced former President Park Geun-hye was arrested and jailed Friday over high-profile corruption allegations that have already ended her tumultuous four-year rule and prompted an election to find a successor. A convoy of vehicles, including a black sedan carrying Park, entered a detention facility near Seoul before dawn after the Seoul Central District Court

Beijing, Mar 30: India sees China's Silk Road initiative as a geopolitical competition and is using the Kashmir issue as an "unfounded excuse" to oppose the ambitious project, Chinese state media today alleged and asked New Delhi to "abandon" its "cliche mentality". "The official reason the Indian government rejected the offer to join the initiative (Silk Road) is that it is designed to pass

New York, Mar 30: US' Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley claimed on Wednesday that her mother was not allowed to be a judge in India because she was a woman. Responding to a question regarding the role of women at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations, Haley said, "When you didn`t have a lot of education in India, my mother actually was able to go to law school. And

New Delhi, Mar 29: In an indication of the continuing bonhomie between India and the US, despite the recent unease over visa curbs, the newly elected Trump administration has extended an invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “President Trump has said he looks forward to hosting Prime Minister Modi in Washington later this year,” a statement issued by the White House said on Wednesday

London, Mar 28: Priti Patel, Britain's senior-most Indian-origin minister, has vowed to champion the interests of the Indian Diaspora and work for strengthening the Indo-UK ties as she received her 'Pravasi Bharatiya Samman' at a ceremony here. The minister for international development had been conferred the honour by President Pranab Mukherjee in January. The award is the highest honour