
Washington, Mar 24: House GOP leaders are hurtling toward a vote on Friday on their embattled health-care bill without knowing for sure they have enough support to pass the measure, after yielding to Trump administration demands to act now. If the high-stakes gamble works and the House manages to pass the Obamacare replacement bill, it will be an important win for President Donald Trump and House

London, Mar 23: Eight people were arrested in raids across London and Birmingham today after a terror attack on the UK Parliament in the heart of Westminster killed four people, including the ISIS attacker who was inspired by "Islamist ideology" and known to British secret services. "We are not afraid...An act of terrorism tried to silence our democracy, but today we meet as normal," Prime

Paris, Mar 23: World leaders unanimously condemned the attack in the heart of London by a man who was shot dead by armed police, with many saying they stand with Britain. At least four people were killed and more than 40 injured in the attack outside parliament on Wednesday when a man mowed down pedestrians with a car then leapt out and stabbed a police officer. In an address outside her Downing

Washington, Mar 23: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will be killed as nearly all of his deputies are now dead and it is "only a matter of time" that he meets the same fate. "Nearly all of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's deputies are now dead, including the mastermind behind the attacks in Brussels, Paris, and elsewhere. It is only a matter

London, Mar 23: An assailant fatally stabbed a police officer at the gates to Britain's Parliament compound Wednesday after plowing a vehicle through terrified pedestrians along a landmark bridge. The attacker was shot and killed by police, but not before claiming a total of four lives in what appeared to be Europe's latest high-profile terrorist attack. In a late night statement, the London

Mar 22: When firefighters entered the home for troubled youth, they discovered more than two dozen girls on the floor of a locked room, most of them dead. A moan rose from one of the bodies, piled on top of each other. When firefighter Danial Perpuac turned the girl over, flames came out of her mouth — she was burning up inside. “That is something you cannot forget,” Perpuac said helplessly. “I

Washington, Mar 22: The United States is exploring new diplomatic, security and economic options against the escalating threat posed by North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, the White House said today. "The US, in coordination with our allies, is exploring a new range of diplomatic, security, and economic measures in response to the grave and escalating threat posed by North

Washington, Mar 21: The US government is temporarily barring passengers on certain flights originating in eight other countries from bringing laptops, iPads, cameras and most other electronics in carry-on luggage starting today. The reason for the ban was not immediately clear. US security officials would not comment. The ban was revealed yesterday in statements from Royal Jordanian Airlines and

Washington, Mar 21: Two top US spymasters on Monday trashed President Donald Trump's allegation that his Trump Tower was wiretapped on the orders of his predecessor Barack Obama, saying there is no evidence to support the claim. "With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets, and we

Beijing, Mar 20: China today warned India not to go against its "core concerns" to avoid "disruption" in bilateral ties after New Delhi invited the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama to an international Buddhist seminar in Bihar. "In recent days the Indian side, in total disregard of China's stern representation and strong opposition, insisted on inviting the 14th Dalai Lama to attend the