
Mogadishu, Mar 5: Somalia's prime minister announced Saturday that 110 people have died from hunger in the past 48 hours in a single region as a severe drought threatens millions of people across the country. It was the first death toll announced by Somalia's government since it declared the drought a national disaster on Tuesday. The United Nations estimates that 5 million people in this Horn of

Indonesia, Mar 4: A Bali beach holiday for Saudi Arabia's King Salman and his considerable entourage has turned into a military exercise for host Indonesia. The octogenarian monarch and his entourage of 1,500, including 25 princes and 10 ministers, flies on Saturday to Indonesia's Bali island aboard nine passenger jets for a private vacation. They will be guarded by at least 2,500 police and

New York, Mar 3: An Indian-origin girl in the US has been allegedly racially abused by an African-American man who called her inappropriate names and yelled "get out of here" when she was travelling in a busy commuter train. Ekta Desai, who lives in New York, took a video of the incident that occurred on February 23. The video was then shared by a website 'The Voice Raiser' and has since then gone

Washington, Mar 3: A bipartisan Bill was today reintroduced in the US Congress to make companies that move call centres overseas ineligible for grants or guaranteed loans from the government, a move aimed at curbing the transfer of jobs to nations like India. Introduced by Congressmen Gene Green from the Democratic Party and Republican David McKinley, the US Call Center and Consumer Protection Act

Washington, Mar 3: Pakistan needs to be serious about closing down 600 Deobandi madrassas in the country, an influential US lawmaker has said, underlining that there is a prevailing sentiment in the Congress and Trump administration that such schools are breeding ground for terrorists. "I think, the sentiments are Pakistan needs to be serious about closing down the Deobandi schools, there are

New Delhi, Mar 2: Germany is looking to increase the number of overnights stays from India to around 8 lakh in the current year as it undertakes a slew of initiatives to promote itself as a preferred destination here. The country had witnessed 7,48,737 overnights from India in 2016. "India is now a top 20 market for visitors overnights to Germany. We are expecting around 8 lakh visitors overnights

Washington, Mar 2: Behind the scenes at the White House, US President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was a key advocate for the more measured, less combative tone he struck in his speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, officials said. The biggest speech of Mr Trump's month-old presidency was the product of a 10-day effort with his top aides. While he unveiled no significant

Riyadh, Mar 1: Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud is heading to Indonesia this week for a nine-day visit. It will be the first time in 46 years that a Saudi king has visited the world's largest Muslim nation, and it comes at a time of heightened attention on the economic links between the two nations. But Salman has come prepared. According to reports in the Indonesian press, the

Washington, Mar 1: US President Donald Trump's top spymaster nominee has said he was "shocked" to read that India successfully launched more than 100 satellites in one go last month. "I was shocked the other day to read that India, on one rocket launch, deposited more than 100 satellites in space," former Senator Dan Coats told lawmakers yesterday during his confirmation hearing for the position

Washington, Mar 1: America stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms, US President Donald Trump today said as he broke his silence on the fatal Kansas shooting in which an Indian techie was killed. "Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be anation divided on