
London, Feb 20: The Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the Sussex' -- Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, will not be returning to royal duties, and Harry will give up his honorary military titles, as well. When Harry and Meghan stepped away from full-time royal life in March 2020, over unbearable media scrutiny and strictures of their roles, it was agreed the situation would be reviewed a

Washington, Feb 20: World leaders welcomed the United States' official return to the Paris climate accord Saturday, but politically trickier steps lie just ahead for President Joe Biden, including setting a tough national target in coming months for cutting damaging fossil fuel emissions. And even as Biden noted the country's first day back in the climate pact, the globe's dangerous warming was

Washington, Feb 19: The US House of Representatives on Thursday (local time) reintroduced a bill that would ban imports from China's Xinjiang region unless it is certified they are not produced with forced labour and allow further sanctions against Chinese officials responsible for abuses against Muslims. "We have watched in horror as the Chinese government first created, and then expanded a

Dublin, Feb 19: More than 50 Irish religious leaders have signed a statement condemning the Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs Muslims in Xinjiang province, local media reported. According to Ireland national television and Radio broadcaster RTE, the statement said that at least a million Uyghur and other Muslims in China are incarcerated in prison camps facing starvation, torture, murder, sexual

Washington, Feb 19: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey will face a new US House hearing next month on the spread of misinformation on their platforms. Set for March 25, the hearing will grill the tech CEOs on misinformation and disinformation plaguing online platforms. Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. announced

Washington, Feb 17: Millions were left without power as a winter storm gripped the southern and central United States on Tuesday with record-low temperatures in ill-prepared areas, and a tornado claiming three lives. More than 20 storm-related deaths have been registered so far, including in traffic accidents in Texas, Kentucky and Missouri, according to local media. In hardest-hit Texas — where

Iwaki, Feb 14: Trains were halted over a wide swath of northeastern Japan on Sunday after more than 100 people were injured in an earthquake that appeared to be an aftershock from the devastating quake that hit the area in 2011. The 7.3 magnitude quake struck shortly before midnight Saturday and cracked walls, shattered windows and set off a landslide in Fukushima, the area closest to the

Washington, Feb 14: Donald Trump was acquitted Saturday on charges of inciting an insurrection at the US Capitol, after a majority of Senate Republicans closed ranks and refused to punish the former president in his historic second impeachment trial. The five-day trial saw Democratic prosecutors argue -- bolstered by dramatic video of the January 6 riot -- that Trump betrayed his oath by whipping

Geneva, Feb 13: China and Russia on Friday pulled out from a United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution on the situation in Myanmar following the military coup on February 1, reported NHK World. The resolution calls for the release of detained persons including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint. It was approved by consensus during a special session in Geneva on

Geneva, Feb 13: The World Health Organization's (WHO) team probing coronavirus origins, which is on a visit to China's Wuhan, the first Covid-19 hotspot, will publish a preliminary report next week, said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday. The WHO chief said the Wuhan visit has been an important scientific exercise, adding that they are open to all hypotheses and require