
Just eight months after they swung into action to avert a crippling depression and credit crunch, central banks are in the uncomfortable position of relying on governments to power fragile economic rebounds. The decisions their counterparts make will affect not just the growth outlook for the next few quarters but could shape central banks’ policy options, and even their credibility, for years to

Manila, Nov 12: Torrential rains from Typhoon Vamco lashed provinces in the Philippines' main Luzon island on Thursday, killing at least one person and paralysing parts of the capital Manila as some residents awaited rescue by boat due to rising flood waters. Vamco, the 21st cyclone to hit the Philippines this year, battered a nation still reeling from Goni, the world's most powerful typhoon this

Beijing, Nov 11: Hong Kong's pro-democracy lawmakers are expected to resign en masse on Wednesday, following a move by the city's government to disqualify four pro-democracy legislators. The 19 lawmakers from the opposition camp are expected to formally announce their resignation in a news conference later Wednesday. The group had said Monday that they would move to resign in a show of defiance if

Moscow, Nov 11: Sputnik V vaccine for Covid-19, being developed by Russias Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, has demonstrated an efficacy rate of 92 per cent. The confirmation is based on the first interim data from the largest randomised, placebo-controlled Phase-III clinical trials in Russia involving 40,000 volunteers, a press release from Gamaleya and the

Washington, Nov 11: Despite several networks projecting US President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the Presidential elections, President Donald Trump again refused to concede defeat, reiterating that he will win the polls. Taking to Twitter, Trump again alleged ballot count abuse, without any proof to substantiate his claims. "WE ARE MAKING BIG PROGRESS. RESULTS START TO COME IN NEXT WEEK. MAKE

Kabul, Nov 10: A new report on Tuesday revealed that 876 Afghan civilians were killed and 1,685 others injured from July to September this year, a 43 percent increase compared to the last quarter from April to June. The report by the US Special Inspector for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) attributed 83 percent of this quarter's civilian casualties to anti-government forces -- 40 percent to

Beijing, Nov 9: China on Monday declined to congratulate Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidential election, saying the outcome of the American polls should be determined by the country's laws and procedures. China has not yet come out with an official reaction to Biden and Kamala Harris' victory in the November 3 presidential election even though official media here are carrying out

Washington, Nov 8: United States President-elect Joe Biden will work towards providing a roadmap to American citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants, including over 500,000 from India, and will also establish a minimum admission number of 95,000 refugees annually. As a largely immigrant community, but in some cases with American roots reaching back generations, Indian-Americans

Washington, Nov 8: On the first day of his presidency, president-elect Joe Biden intends to rescind Donald Trump’s travel bans on travellers from 13 countries, most either majority-Muslim or African nations. Shortly after taking office in 2017, Trump issued an executive order that banned travellers from seven majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. The Trump administration

Joe Biden was fresh off winning the Michigan primary and effectively capturing the Democratic presidential nomination, a prize he’d sought for the better part of three decades. Instead of plotting a strategy to build momentum, he was contemplating an abrupt halt. He gathered his senior team in a conference room on the 19th floor of his campaign’s Philadelphia headquarters, the type of in-person