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Wednesday, 27 Sep 2017

What an honour to have met the "World Champion of Public Speaking Manoj Vasudevan".


I was privileged to get a photo taken with him and to do the Thanks to the Champ and all the amazing people attending this exciting event.

I'm a proud Toastmaster and meeting Manoj in the flesh was an amazing experience.



Public speaking can be daunting for some. But like any skill, it can be perfected with time.

Vasudevan says that as a messenger, you are performing a service for your audience rather than speaking for your own validation. When you have a presentation to give, don't rush to craft it instead first, figure out the fundamentals of the presentation and your goal. Vasudevan says you must "emotionally connect with your listeners and present information in a way that resonates with their needs, goals and agendas."

This was a night to remember.



Do you want to become a confident public speaker and strong leader?  If so, Toastmasters is the place for you. You’ll find a supportive learn-by-doing environment that allows you to achieve your goals at your own pace.

For more information, you’re welcomed to contact me at [email protected]