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Thursday, 7 Feb 2019

First of all, Hindu religion is recognized fro AHIMSA non voilant - Which was proven by our Father Of Nation Mahtma Gandhi. Who spent his whole life for the sake of all INDIANS and not or his self benifit. Only because of his daring step and policy all patriot Indians united and fought for the Independnece wiht out any cast adn colour discrepnacy.

The group supported the british behind the screen and with in short perod of our independence assasinated

the mahtma and now talking ablut Hindu religion by regularly holding a lathi  is not the sign of HINDU religion.  In Hindu religion all are with ONE status adn there is no upper and lower cast.  All human  created by ONE god.  Then how come  there is upper cast brhamin. Why these   rss terrorists omit cast poison all over India.   This fellow bhagawath and his terrorist  group as no rght to talk abuot hindu religion. Shortly rss is ONLY the enemy of Hindu and Hindustan.

All must boycot and kick  vanish them from our graeat India.


Jai Hind !