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Monday, 1 Jul 2019

Dear Shobakka, you shgould agitate to know who are the real cow thieves and where are they supplying these.  I am 100 percent sure that 99 percent of these thieves are from sangh parivar and they transport the cows to Gujrat beef exporters owned by sanghis.   Shoba is trying to fool us and divert the issue.   She also knows the fact but doing drama.  She is following her boss in this practice.    Why dont you urgent in parliament to stop beef export and declare cow as national animal?   Why bjp is not interesting is doing so and doing drama on cow.   For them cow is sacred and should not be consumed by poor people in india and not sacred for exporting beef out of the country.    does Shoba also has any beef exporting factory in Gujarat?   May be yes.