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samir sardana
Tuesday, 8 Sep 2020

Some opine that I misquote,or quote out of context.Pakistani and Chinese diplomats are aware of the Gospels of the Wise - but the hoi polloi are not.

Allow me to present the words of the epitome of intellectual genius,in the American Presidency - His Excellency,Richard Nixon.dindooohindoo

Gospel of Nixon - Chapter 1 Verse 1

Nixon also calls Indians “most sexless”, “nothing” and “pathetic”, according to the newly declassified White House tapes

Nixon says to Kissinger “To me, they turn me off. How the hell do they turn other people on, Henry? Tell me.”

May I present the words of Babar the Great in Babarnama "Hindustan is a place of little charm. There is no beauty in its people, no graceful social intercourse, no poetic talent or understanding, no etiquette, nobility or manliness"

I would request the reader to note the similarity between Babar and Nixon !

Gospel of Nixon - Chapter 1 Verse 2

In November 1971, in the middle of a discussion about India-Pakistan tensions with Kissinger and Secretary of State William Rogers, after Rogers mentioned reprimanding Gandhi, the president blurted, “I don’t know how they reproduce!”

Nixon was right.This is Hanooman describing the UNDERSIZED VIRILE MEMBRANE OF RAMA !

Book V : Sundara Kanda –Chapter 35 of the Valmiki Ramayana,Verse 18

“He is undersized at four places (viz. the neck, membran virile, the back and the shanks)"

Seeta Maiya also doubted Rama's virility and sexuality !

Book II : Ayodhya Kanda – Book Of Ayodhya - Chapter 30

किम् त्वा अमन्यत वैदेहः पिता मे मिथिला अधिपः | राम जामातरम् प्राप्य स्त्रियम् पुरुष विग्रहम् || २-३०-३

“What my father, the king of Mithila belonging to the country of Videha, think of himself having got as so-in-law you, a woman having the form of a man?”

May I conclude by quoting the Great Henry Kissinger,as under:

Kissinger had said Indians are “superb flatterers” and “are masters at flattery. They are masters at subtle flattery. That’s how they survived 600 years. They suck up — their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions.”

Rama said the same about the Brahmins who were the Diplomats who were dealing with Kissinger and Nixon !

कच्चिन् न लोकायतिकान् ब्राह्मणामः तात सेवसे |
अनर्थ कुशला ह्य् एते बालाः पण्डित मानिनः || २-१००-३८

38. I hope are not honouring the materialistic brahmins, My dear brother! These men are skilled in perverting the mind, ignorant as they are and thinking themselves to be learned."

धर्म शास्त्रेषु मुख्येषु विद्यमानेषु दुर्बुधाः |
बुद्धिमान् वीक्षिकीम् प्राप्य निरर्थम् प्रवदन्ति ते || २-१००-३९

39. "Reaching to their logical acumen, these men of perverted intellect preach meaninglessly, in the presence of eminent books on righteousness."