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Ramesh Mishra
Saturday, 14 Aug 2021

THREAT TO HUMAN RIGHTS: INDIA; Human Rights and all other rights are arbitrarily suspended by the police in India. All police stations in UP takes bribes, the senior officers are unskilled and lack the wisdom to maintain law and order. IAS and PCS are appointed justices without legal skill and mind, they are totally ignorant for interpreting and applying the law. These arrogant IAS and PCS have a superiority complex in believing that they are above the law. IAS, IPS and PCS have no public administration education, training and mind. The Chief Justice of India is a lawman, the policeman of India practice and promote might is right and due to this reason, India is crumbled. Most of the Indian Laws are not modern and practical, laws are Colonial, outdated and draconian, most lawyers are fake. The High Courts and Supreme Court justices are mostly genuine and skilled, but the ordinary people of India are unable to reach the higher judicial officers they are irreparably ruined at the lower Courts. Most Indian leaders are uneducated and unskilled lacking wisdom to govern and they rely upon executives who are mostly fools and the public is abused.
Ramesh Mishra
Victoria, BC, CANADA