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Ramesh Mishra
Tuesday, 5 Oct 2021

Now India has the highest population of homegrown terrorists, who have turned India into a murder Capital of the world. Modi no doubt a experienced politician but unskilled to govern India in a lawful, effective and peaceful manner. India after 75,years of freedom from the British Raj has IAS and PCS justices who are sinuous, non-sane,subhumans and violent. They have destroyed India irreparably, now is the time IAS,IPS and PCS must go without pay and no public service for their remaining life and without pension. After 75,years of freedom India has the largest population of scum in Hindu religion, these scumbag have caused religious war all over India. IAS,PCS justices are scumbag who have looted the people of India. Yogi would be the nastiest scumbag of the world. Modi open his eye and see what Hindus are doing to Muslim and other lower caste. The homegrown terrorists of India have crippled India and its economy has collapsed. Historically the dictators have the shortest life but cause a very long term losses. India is ruined permanently.
Ramesh Mishra
Victoria, BC, CANADA