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Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Im not a SUNNI
Im not a SALAFI
Im not a Shia
Im not a SECT
Cheddis never teach them what is in Madrasas and they feed hindus which we muslims never teach in madrasas. WE muslim need to Convey the message to the hindus. If we dont convey to the leaders of them Then they will engage more of such ignorant acts. Even after conveying the message, if they still follow evil acts.. Then we muslims should live it to ALLAH the true God who can save or accept his decree for whatever happens. ALLAH will look after the OPPRESSORS. so dont worry MUSLIMS.
Dear HINDUS .. Honestly in Madrasa we are taught that
WHO is our CREATOR, the CREATOR of all that exists, Who give life & death & who will RESURRECT us all to JUDGE that is happened in this world.. TRUE MUSLIMS will never despair.
When we come to know that CREATOR doesnt have any image or PICTURE or statutes.. WE muslims stay away from such thing from attributing HUMAN thinking into what the CREATOR himself, said. That is the only thing which ALLAH will never FORGIVE...
Many scientist accepted ISLAM by the Scientific Accuracy which is mentioned in QURAN which is not changed since it is revealed and it will be protected by ALLAH (the creator of all that exists) . Please try to know more about QURAN and staying infront of MEDIA and accepting whatever said in it.... Its just Fooling U guys cos U never read your own religious scriptures which says NA TASYA PRATIMA ASTI>