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Kushwant Bhat
Thursday, 5 May 2016

First up all Congratulations to them and the society of Hassan, Wishing you Both Happy married life, really I must very much thankful to the Coastal Digest, one thing you forget to name this \JIHAD\" Could you please name it \"RSS Love Jihad\" any way again wishing you both Happiest married life, I am very much concern about the crazy people around the Globe, both Male and Female Join each other there is no race between both so we have to have understand that this is the real things to happen. You Criminal minded BJP, Bajji Ranji do not be happy next your time to face ok Gentle men, do not forget great Newton's Law \"Every Action has Equal and opposite Reaction\" Believe it Master Criminal Mind people.

Jai hho Bharath Matha
Jai hoo Siddaramanna."