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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Believers NEVER despairs, They already KNOW the FITNA (trials) of this ERA... and Most of the MUSLIMS never understand such FITNA unless they FIRMLY GRIP their FAITH in ALLAH. (They will never bow or ask with the dead or to get barakah from the GRAVEs)
BELIEVERS SOLELY believe & Depend on ALLAH alone.... ALLAH is enough for them. May ALLAH include us in that Group.
They already know everything is with the permission of ALLAH, They already know cos the Prophet Muhammad pbuh said that a time will come that the BELIEVER will be very FEW but MUSLIMs will be a lot...

This TUSSLE is for the GOOD... Most of the MUSLIMs understood the POWER OF MONEY. They REALISED Who is working for the MOney and who is working for the FAITH.

RESPeCT the Auliyas the way prophet Muhammad pbuh taught us. Not the way which was never seen in the times of the SAHABAS... and the 3 generations... We might fall into SHIRK (Associating partners with ALLAH) . May ALLAH protect us from falling into SHIRK unknowingly...