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Saturday, 3 Sep 2016

Dear SK

Dont be defensive... What CD mentioned is true and ALLAH made halal to sacrifice Camel, Cow , Goat or sheep which is also a Creation of ALLAH.... Cow is an option which is helpful to the POOR to sacrifice for the sake of ALLAH.
Dont think cheddis love Cow. Thats a fake love which they want to divert from the hindu masses to see them as bhakt.. Dont U see Cows are dying in the Gowshala? & smell are coming out in all places even in rajastan.
Its cheddi ideology to fool people ... Even in VEDAS we see many kings and hindu priests eating Cows...
So dont be defensive... Cow is HALAL . ALLAH, the creator of U, ME and all that exists has made it Halal...

In ISLAM, when U sacrifice, U will share the meat with U, Ur family and the Poor of your area... when we see in other culture, they sacrifice and bury the cows and buffaloes in the earth.. No benefit only loss of cows live...