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Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016

Protitution : Many Preverts Trap girls , use her and throw it... they use her like object.. that women will have only one option..
Do these ladies who come here for press conf ever VOICED against this system of SIN>..

Polygamy is a solution:
There are many unmarried women in war zones...
There are many unmarried women who are not married cos of social injustice by men who demand dowry.
There are many hijidas now a days who doesn't want to marry but use women as Girl friends and do fulfill their desires and escape responsibility.
There are many Criminals, who only commit crime and FORSAKE their wife and children.

Women needs CARING and Someone needs to take RESPONSIBILITY..
Marrying is a responsibility and taking care of the family and if U cant do justice then stay away from marrying more than ONE... One day U will answer in front of the LORD who created all that exists.

Islam says U can marry 2's and 3's and 4's but if you cant JUSTIFY with them MARRY only ONE...
QURAN is the only religious books on earth which says MARRY only ONE ...