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Sunday, 4 Dec 2016

Wake up guys...
Quran says ALLAH is the creator of all that exists
All human beings are equal , Racism is not allowed in ISLAM...
Quran speaks of human equality in the following terms:
O Mankind, We (God) have created you from a male and a female and have made you into nations and tribes for you to KNOW one another. Truly, the NOblest of YOU with GOD is the MOST PIOUS . Truly God is all knowing, all aware. (49:13)

Islam REJECTS certain individuals or nations being favored becos of their wealth, power or race.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh said O people! Your God is ONE and Your forefather (Adam) is ONE. An arab is not better than a non arab and a non arab is not better than an arab. A white person is not better than a black person nor a black person is not better than a white person EXCEPT in PIETY...

Learn who is the CREATOR .. U will recognize the deception of all this superstitious rituals all around us...