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K M Shafeeq
Wednesday, 14 Dec 2016

whomsoever made this issue they should be Identified as soon as possible, and must be rectified. The Muslim should never commit such a communal clashes because Islam never teaches to harm the community / society of the country.

you should be understand What is Islam and who is Muslim ?

Islam is the Religion, meaning submission of his/her will to almighty God (Allah)

Muslim is the caste, one who is submitting his/her will to almighty Allah (God) is a Muslim

Islam is Peace Religion don't look at the Muslims may be theirs name seems as Muslim in fact they are not keeping commandments of Allah The Holy Quran & the Saheeh Hadith of Prophet (SAWS) is the Constitution of Human beings. meaning how to Live a Life peacefully.

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if we see here some of the comments are indicates it should have done by Muslims! in fact the True Muslim cannot be done this communal clash and something hidden need to be identified."