I heard that after the Celebration of Eid Miladunnabi (saws) no body are there for the Salah/Prayer /Namaz in Masjid, still I am in confusion about your Love of Prophet (saws) you never thing this type of Love will make you happy/ help in the hereafter.
I meant to say that whatever he Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him teaches us, do it first rest of guesses will discuss later.
Obey the 5 Islamic Pillars 1. Shahadath Kalima 2. Five (5) Times a day Obligatory Prayers 3. Zakath (Obligatory Charity for the poor people) 4. Ramzan / Ramadan Fasting 5. HAJ (If it is possible / able to do Haj, go for Haj)
If you are unable to fulfill the commandments of Allah and the prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as much as you can, then what type Muslim you are?
I heard that after the Celebration of Eid Miladunnabi (saws) no body are there for the Salah/Prayer /Namaz in Masjid, still I am in confusion about your Love of Prophet (saws) you never thing this type of Love will make you happy/ help in the hereafter.
I meant to say that whatever he Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him teaches us, do it first rest of guesses will discuss later.
Obey the 5 Islamic Pillars
1. Shahadath Kalima
2. Five (5) Times a day Obligatory Prayers
3. Zakath (Obligatory Charity for the poor people)
4. Ramzan / Ramadan Fasting
5. HAJ (If it is possible / able to do Haj, go for Haj)
If you are unable to fulfill the commandments of Allah and the prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as much as you can, then what type Muslim you are?