Saudi Arabia buys Turkish drones as Erdogan gifts Crown Prince Mohammed an electric car

News Network
July 18, 2023


Riyadh, July 18: Saudi Arabia agreed on Tuesday to buy Turkish drones, one of several lucrative contracts President Tayyip Erdogan secured for Turkey’s struggling economy as Ankara reaps the benefits of his recent diplomatic push to repair ties with Gulf Arab powers.

Erdogan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attended the signing ceremony between Turkish defence firm Baykar and the Saudi defence ministry, Saudi state news agency SPA reported.

Erdogan arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday as part of a three-day Gulf tour to strengthen regional ties. 

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman welcomed the Turkish president in Al-Sallam Palace with an official ceremony in Jeddah. The two leaders held official talks session and bilateral meeting.

They discussed bilateral relations and regional and international issues.

The Turkish president is accompanied by his Cabinet members and other Turkish officials.

During his visit to three Gulf countries, Erdogan previously said that he wants to boost ties with them and finalize investment deals.

Addressing a news conference in Istanbul before he embarked on his Gulf tour, Erdogan said the diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia were established in 1929.

“We want to extend the solid foundations of our relations to an even wider area of cooperation,” he added.

Being one of the most important countries in the region, Saudi Arabia has a special place in areas such as trade, investments and contracting services, the Turkish president said.

“The value of the projects undertaken by our contractors in Saudi Arabia in the past 20 years is approximately $25 billion. We would like Turkish companies to play a greater role in Saudi Arabia’s large-scale projects,” he added.

Turkey’s Togg

After the completion of the ceremony, Turkish President Recep Tayyep Erdogan gifted Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with an electric car called Togg, which has been domestically produced in Turkey. The two leaders tested the Togg model, Turkey’s first electric car brand, in the courtyard of Al Salam Royal Palace, the Anadolu news agency reported.


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June 29,2024


Mangaluru: A wave of joy and nostalgia has swept over Tulu-speaking communities in coastal Karnataka with the exciting news that Tulu is now included in Google Translate. This significant development promises to elevate the language’s popularity and recognition on a global scale, filling hearts with pride and happiness.

"The addition of Tulu to Google Translate is a monumental achievement for the language and its speakers," beamed Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy chairman Tharanath Gatti Kapikad.

He expressed that the community is overjoyed, believing this step will expose Tulu to a broader audience, allowing people worldwide to appreciate its richness and beauty.

"With Tulu now available on such a widely used translation platform, the coastal district anticipates a surge in interest and curiosity about our language and culture. We also hope this recognition will help bring due prominence to the language. The people of Tulunadu have long been advocating for Tulu to be included in Schedule VIII of the Constitution and to be declared an official language of Karnataka," he shared.

Kapikad noted that while the academy did not directly influence this development, the introduction of Tulu Wikipedia has also played a crucial role in garnering recognition, as there are now several articles in Tulu on the platform. He encouraged people to send feedback to Google Translate to help improve the feature further.

MLAs D Vedavyas Kamath, U Rajesh Naik, Gurme Suresh Shetty, and others also praised Google Translate for adding the language. "I express sincere gratitude to the Google team for making Tulu available alongside 110 other languages," Kamath said with heartfelt appreciation.

This moment is not just a technological advancement but a celebration of Tulu heritage, invoking memories of a rich past and hopes for a flourishing future.


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News Network
June 24,2024


Saudi Arabia said Sunday that more than 1,300 faithful died during the hajj pilgrimage which took place during intense heat and that most of them who died did not have official permits.

"Regrettably, the number of mortalities reached 1,301, with 83 percent being unauthorised to perform hajj and having walked long distances under direct sunlight, without adequate shelter or comfort," the official Saudi Press Agency reported.

An AFP tally last week, based on official statements and reports from diplomats involved in their countries' responses, put the count at more than 1,100.

The dead came from more than 10 countries stretching from the United States to Indonesia, and some governments are continuing to update their totals.

Arab diplomats told AFP last week that Egyptians accounted for 658 deaths -- 630 of them unregistered pilgrims. 

The diplomats said the cause of death in most cases was heat-related. 

Temperatures in Mecca this year climbed as high as 51.8 degrees Celsius (125 degrees Fahrenheit), according to Saudi Arabia's national meteorological centre. 

Riyadh had not publicly commented on the deaths or provided its own count until Sunday. 

On Friday, however, a senior Saudi official gave AFP a partial count of 577 deaths for the two busiest days of hajj: June 15, when pilgrims gathered for hours of prayers in the blazing sun on Mount Arafat, and June 16, when they participated in the "stoning of the devil" ritual in Mina.

The official also defended Riyadh's response, saying: "The state did not fail, but there was a misjudgement on the part of people who did not appreciate the risks."

'Heat stress'

The Saudi health minister, Fahd Al-Jalajel, on Sunday described management of the hajj this year as "successful", SPA reported. 

He said the health system "provided more than 465,000 specialised treatment services, including 141,000 services to those who didn't obtain official authorisation to perform hajj," according to SPA, which summarised an interview he gave to the state-affiliated Al-Ekhbariya channel.

Jalajel did not specify how many deaths Saudi officials attributed to heat.

"The health system addressed numerous cases of heat stress this year, with some individuals still under care," SPA reported. 

"Among the deceased were several elderly and chronically ill individuals."

The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam that all Muslims with the means must complete at least once in their lives.

Saudi officials have said 1.8 million pilgrims took part this year, a similar number to last year, and that 1.6 million came from abroad.

For the past several years the mainly outdoor rituals have fallen during the sweltering Saudi summer.

The timing of the hajj moves forward about 11 days each year in the Gregorian calendar, meaning that next year it will take place earlier in June, potentially in cooler conditions.

A 2019 study by the journal Geophysical Research Letters said because of climate change, heat stress for hajj pilgrims will exceed the "extreme danger threshold" from 2047 to 2052 and 2079 to 2086, "with increasing frequency and intensity as the century progresses".

Off-the-books hajj

Hajj permits are allocated to countries on a quota system and distributed to individuals by lottery.

Even for those who can obtain them, the steep costs spur many to attempt the hajj without a permit, though they risk arrest and deportation if caught.

Saudi authorities said before the hajj that they had cleared hundreds of thousands of unregistered pilgrims from Mecca.

But the Saudi official who spoke to AFP on Friday said around 400,000 unregistered pilgrims took part, and that "almost all of them (were) from one nationality", an apparent reference to Egypt. 

On Saturday, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly ordered 16 tourism companies stripped of their licences and referred their managers to the public prosecutor over illegal pilgrimages to Mecca, Egypt's cabinet said.

It said the rise in the number of deaths of unregistered Egyptian pilgrims stemmed from some companies which "organised the hajj programmes using a personal visit visa, which prevents its holders from entering Mecca" via official channels.

Unregistered pilgrims in many cases did not have access to amenities meant to make the pilgrimage more bearable, including air-conditioned tents.

Unregistered Egyptian pilgrims told AFP last week that in some cases they struggled to access hospitals or hail ambulances for loved ones, some of whom ended up dying.


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News Network
June 27,2024

Mangaluru: Two auto-rickshaw drivers were electrocuted to death after coming into contact with a live wire near Rosario church on Wednesday night.

The autorickshaw drivers who were electrocuted were identified as Raju (50) of Pallyahobli in Hassan and Devraj (46) from Ramakunja near Kadaba.

Due to heavy rains, the electric wire from an electric pole got snapped and fell on the ground.

Raju, who stepped out of his room, got electrocuted. Hearing Raju's shouts for help, Devraj rushed to his rescue. He was also electrocuted and both died on the spot, Mangaluru Commissioner of Police Anupam Agrawal said.

Police initially suspected that the deaths due to electrocution took place in wee hours on Thursday. But on checking CCTV footage, police realised that the autorickshaw drivers had been electrocuted around 9 pm.

Based on the complaint filed by Raju's brother a case was registered under sections 304A.


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