The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) announced that a fake list being circulated all over social media using their name that was causing alarm. They clarified that they had not made of circulated the list, which contained a series of COVID protocols to be followed.
Media Watch
Bengaluru, May 7: BJP Yuva Morcha national president and Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya has rubbished reports that he apologised to those working at a municipal covid war room in Bengaluru.
Facebook Inc. blocked posts tagged #ResignModi before restoring them hours later, stoking a controversy that’s erupted over government requests to remove social media content as India grapples with an escalating Covid crisis.
Bengaluru, Mar 15: The Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education has decided to file a complaint against a fake circular announcing that the state government has declared holidays circulated on social media.
A rumour about a plane catching fire while in Sharjah’s airspace went viral on social media. Authorities in Sharjah today rubbished the rumours as baseless.
New Delhi, Jan 16: The alleged WhatsApp chats of Arnab Goswami, editor-in-chief of Republic TV with former CEO of Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC), which were leaked on social media, suggest that the controversial journalist was least stricken by the news of Pulwama attack which shook the entire conscience of the country, on February 2014.
New Delhi, Dec 20: At a time when at least 22 farmers have lost their lives and lakhs of farmers are camping in the deadly winter at various borders around Delhi, demanding the repeal of the contentious farm laws, PM Narendra Modi’s meeting with a delegation of farmers in Kutch, Gujarat dominated the headlines last week. Media reports said the prime minister met farmers (of his own choice) to...
New Delhi, Dec 9: India's health ministry rejected reports on Wednesday that the country's drugs regulator had declined emergency authorisation for the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine candidate and one developed locally by Bharat Biotech.
Mangaluru, Dec 5: City police chief Vikash Kumar Vikash has rubbished the media reports on arrest of suspect in connection with the provocative graffiti case.
New Delhi, Oct 8: Republic TV, headed by Arnab Goswami and two other channels are manipulating Television Rating Points (TRP) through bribing.