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Burdwan (West Bengal), Jul 31: It was a providential escape for 62-year-old Tapati Chowdhury who kept herself afloat for 13 hours in the turbulent Damodar river in flood-hit Burdwan district, till she was rescued 80 km away. A resident of Kalibazar in East Burdwan district, Chowdhury, an Anganwadi worker, had gone to see the swollen Damodar river out of curiosity on Saturday evening. But she

Ahmedabad, Jul 31: In the biggest ever haul of narcotics drugs, transported through sea routes in recent times, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ships Samudra Pavak and Ankit intercepted and apprehended a merchant vessel off the coast of Gujarat based on intelligence input. 1500 Kg of Heroine worth more than Rs 3000 crore was seized from the vessel named PRINCE 2. The search operation for the suspect

A group of 114 armed forces veterans have written an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemning the recent attacks on Muslims and Dalits in the country. The Armed Forces comprise of the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. The veterans expressed frustration over the relentless vigilantism of the self-appointed protectors of Hinduism. In the letter, the veterans said they

A group of 114 armed forces veterans have written an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemning the recent attacks on Muslims and Dalits in the country. The Armed Forces comprise of the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. The veterans expressed frustration over the relentless vigilantism of the self-appointed protectors of Hinduism. In the letter, the veterans said they

Dubai, Jul 31: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain, which have tried to isolate Qatar, said on Sunday they would allow Qatari planes to use air corridors in emergencies, but Doha denied it, saying they were spreading "false information". The four countries severed ties with Qatar on 5 June, closed borders - in the sea, land and sky - and imposed economic sanctions, accusing

Lucknow, Jul 31: BJP chief Amit Shah targeted the Congress over dynasty politics on Sunday and said that the lack of internal democracy in a political party results in it being dominated by caste or family. Addressing a meeting of intellectuals in Lucknow, Shah drew parallel between the BJP and the Congress over who will be the next chief of the two parties. Shah asked the audience that who will

Dubai, Jul 30: Four Arab states that cut ties with Qatar are refraining for now from imposing more punitive measures against the Gulf state. The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain met in Bahrain's capital, Manama, today to discuss the nearly eight-week-old crisis. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain cut diplomatic ties and transport links with Qatar

Beijing, Jul 30: Chinese President Xi Jinping today said the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has the confidence and capability to defeat all invading enemies as he inspected a massive military parade at the country's largest military base to mark the 90th founding anniversary of the 2.3-million strong army. Xi also said the PLA should strictly follow the absolute leadership of the Communist Party

Houston, Jul 29: Artificial light emitted from digital devices such smartphones and tablets could reduce the quality of your sleep, a study has warned. The largest source of blue light is sunlight, but it is also found in most LED-based devices. Blue light boosts alertness and regulates our internal body clock, or circadian rhythm, that tells our bodies when to sleep. This artificial light

Bengaluru, Jul 30: The fraudulent real-estate and finance firms have duped Rs 17.93 lakh people, swindling them of Rs 3,273 crore between 2006 and 2016 in Karnataka, according to the Criminal Investigation Department. CID has found that several thousands of people duped in real estate and investment scams in different parts of the state have not approached the police. Director General of Police H