
London, May 5: British voters showed their anger against the government's failure to revive the economy in local elections that saw PM David Cameron's Conservatives outflanked on the left by Labour and on the right by anti-European fringe party UKIP. After the latest round of elections on Thursday, local councils in UK have about 200-250 councillors of Indian origin. Jagjit Garewal, president of

Washington, May 4: Osama bin Laden had planned to kill US President Barack Obama and General David Petraeus, who was then top US commander in Afghanistan, and had issued instructions to Ilyas Kashmiri to set up two units to target planes carrying them. According to the documents seized from the Abbottabad safe-house of bin Laden , the then al-Qaida leader wanted to target only Obama and Petraeus

Washington, May 3: The Obama Campaign in a new ad has accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of outsourcing jobs to India when he was the Massachusetts Governor. "What about Mitt Romney? As a corporate CEO, he shipped American jobs to places like Mexico and China. As governor, he outsourced state jobs to a call center in India. He's still pushing tax breaks for companies

Naypyitaw, May 2: Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was sworn in to Myanmar's military-backed parliament today, taking public office for the first time since launching her struggle against authoritarian rule nearly a quarter century ago. The 66-year-old opposition leader's entry into the legislature heralds a new political era in Myanmar, cementing a risky detente between her party and the

Kabul, May 2: Eight people were killed and 17 injured in an audacious Taliban attack in the Afghan capital Wednesday, hours after US President Barack Obama's Kabul visit that came exactly a year after Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was gunned down in Pakistan. The brazen attacks were mounted after Obama left Kabul following a previously unannounced visit during which he signed a strategic

Paris, May 2: Nicolas Sarkozy staged a huge election rally on Tuesday to rival France's traditional May Day show of force by the left, as Marine Le Pen scornfully rejected his bid to woo her far-right supporters. Five days before Sarkozy was to face Socialist frontrunner Francois Hollande in the second-round run-off of the French presidential election, he addressed a cheering crowd in Paris in

Washington, May 2: U.S. President Barack Obama and his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai signed a landmark strategic partnership agreement in Kabul laying out American support for the war-torn nation for a decade after 2014 when NATO forces conclude their combat role. The ten-page long-term strategic partnership agreement pledges U.S. support for Afghanistan for a decade after 2014, when NATO forces

Vienna, May 1: Libya's former top oil industry official, Shokri Ghanem, has been found floating dead in the River Danube in Austria, police said on Sunday. Ghanem, 69, had been chairman of Libya's state-owned National Oil Corporation (NOC) before defecting last year several months after opponents of Muammar Gadhafi had risen up against the Libyan leader and begun a rebellion. As NOC chairman since

Tehran, April 30: Washington has fabricated the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan to relieve political pressure on US President Barack Obama, Press TV reports. James Fetzer, American Philosopher and former Marine Corps officer, says Washington fabricated the bin Laden raid to divert public attention from “Obama not having closed Guantanamo, having stationed troops in Pakistan and

Miami, April 30: Controversial US pastor Terry Jones has burned more copies of the Quran and a depiction of the prophet Mohammed to protest the imprisonment in Iran of a Christian clergyman, The Gainesville Sun reported. The newspaper said Jones and another pastor, who carried out their protest in front of their church in Gainesville, Florida yesterday, demanded the release of Christian pastor