Malayalam actress Saranya Sasi breathed her last on August 9 at a private hospital in Trivandrum, Kerala. She was diagnosed with a brain tumour 10 years ago and underwent 11 major surgeries. A few weeks ago, she was admitted to a hospital after she contracted Covid-19. Though she recovered from the novel coronavirus, she had other health-related problems.
Saranya Sasi was a popular actress in the Malayalam television and film industry. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. She had to undergo 11 major surgeries since the time she was diagnosed with a brain tumour.
A few weeks ago, Saranya was diagnosed with Covid-19 and received treatment at a private hospital in Kerala. She recovered from the novel coronavirus after a few days. But, Saranya had other health issues. He was admitted to a hospital in Trivandrum because of pneumonia and low sodium levels in her blood. Saranya Sasi died on August 9 at noon at the hospital.
Ever since she was diagnosed with a tumour, she had been facing a severe financial crisis. She also sought the help of many people in the industry.
Saranya Sasi was one of the famous actresses in Malayalam TV. Some of her television shows include Manthrakodi, Seetha and Harichandanam. She also played supporting roles in Chotta Mumbai, Bombay, Chacko Randaman and Thalappavu.
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