World renowned Quran reciter Noreen Muhammad Siddiqi, was killed in a traffic accident in the city of Halfa in the Northern State in Sudan. The 38-year-old was imam of several mosques in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.
Noreen began memorizing the Qur’an at the hands of Khalawi’s sheikhs in Bara district in North Kordofan state in 1996, and became involved in advocacy work at the beginning of the millennium after the authorization of reading from Al-Azhar in 2008.
Noreen worked as an imam at the Khartoum Grand Mosque, Mrs. Sanhouri, the Al-Nour Mosque, and a number of famous mosques in the capital, Khartoum.
Sheikh “Noreen” was born in Umm Dam locality in North Kordofan State in 1982, and grew up in a religious house. He memorized the Qur’an with intonation at the age of 17 years on my novels Al Douri and Hafs, after which he studied at the Scientific Institute, then joined the Islamic Holy Quran University and graduated there.
On behalf of Sudan, he participated in several international competitions, most notably: in Malaysia and Dubai, where he won its third international prize in the Noble Qur’an, during competition with 83 countries, and in 2005 he competed for the King Abdulaziz Prize in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and he scored the second place, and in 2006 he participated in the Libyan competitions and finished second among 66 countries.

Allahummagfirhum warhamhum wa'afihim
Allah yasa yahuta
Allahummah ghafirhu Zunuba jami'ah
Brother Noreen Siddiqi will always have a place in my heart.
Allaa houmma ikhfirlahou wor ham hou
Allah ya gafarta masa da aljannan firdausi
Thanks for describing the beautiful introduction, ALLAH - HU - AKBAR
May Allah have mercy on him, Give him great post in jannah.
May Allah have mercy on him
Alhamdulillah and a warm thanks and salutations to those making effort to spread the dean
Allahu Akbar rabbana agfirfu
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