Mangaluru, Sep 3: In a tragic incident, a 31-year-old man lost his life after suffering a fatal cardiac arrest while playing cricket at Mooduperara Kayarane, located on the outskirts of Mangaluru.
Pradeep Poojary, a resident of Mooduperara Kayarane and the son of the late Ananda Poojary, experienced severe chest pain during a game on Sunday evening.
He was immediately rushed to a private hospital in Kaikamba, then to a primary health care center in Bajpe, where he received initial treatment. Despite efforts to save him, Pradeep succumbed to the cardiac arrest on the way to a private hospital in Mangaluru.
Pradeep was an active community member, working as an employee of the Paduperara gram panchayat since 2012. He was the president of the Mangaluru taluk committee of the State Gram Panchayat Employees’ Welfare Association and served as the secretary of Kayarane Navaranga Friends. He was also known for his involvement with Bajrang Dal and Javaner Perar.
Pradeep leaves behind his mother, brother, and sister. His untimely death has sent shockwaves through the community, where he was known for his dedication and service.
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