Mangalore, November 11: A biography on educationist and patron of art and culture Dr M Mohan Alva was released at Sapna Book house here on Saturday.
Senior writer Dr Eerya Laxmi Narayana Alva released the book titled “Samskrithi Chaithanya Dr M Mohan Alva” written by H N Rajashri.
Lauding the extraordinary contribution of Dr Mohan Alva in the fields of education and literature he said that Mohan Alva was epitome of excellence and achievement.
Introducing the book, retired professor Dr Thalthaje Vasantha Kumar said author Rajashri has categorized the achievement of Dr Alva in several aspects such as education, sports, cultural, concept of Arogyadhama, Sasyakashi, Alva's Virasat and Alva's Nudisiri.
Senior Litterateur Dr Hampa Nagarajaiah said Alva's educational institution and Alva's Nudisiri are two epics by Mohan Alva.
Nadoja Kamala Hampana and the author H N Rajashri also spoke about the book.
In his presidential address, Dr D K Chouta, appreciating the contribution of Dr Alva, advised him to conduct a 'Tulu-Nudisiri' in the coming years.
Former Minister Amarnath Shetty, MLA Abhayachandra Jain and Sapna Book House Branch Manager Mehul among others were present.
Dr Sathyanarayana Mallipatna welcomed the gathering while Dr R Narasimha Moorthi compered the prorgramme, Doddegowda of Sapna Book House proposed vote of thanks.
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