All the members of Krishnapura Jama’th residing at Dammam participated in the general body meeting of the BAMY Krishnapura Dammam branch.
The programme started with the recitation of verses of the Quran by Ibrahim Baikampady.
Imtiyaz Krishnapura welcomed the gathering, and M H Moidin Haji, presented a detailed report on the past charity activities and experiences of BAMY Krishnapura Dammam branch.
General Secreteray, Ibrahim Baikampady, compered the programme and informed the gathering about BAMY’s regular meetings, educational, charity and religious activities in the society.
Joint Secretary Basheer presented the annual balance sheet on the occasion. Chief guest, Abdul Khader Thodar, speaking about the importance of charity said that charity must not be gauged in terms of quantity or the reputation of the organization with whom the giver has been associated with.
“Charity should not be done to show the world our capabilities. Instead it must be done with sole aim of gaining more rewards from Al Mighty Allah,” he said.
Committee members
A new committee to steer BAMY Krishnapura Dammam branch was elected on the occasion. K M Kabeer was elected as the President of the organization.
Honorable President: M H Moidin Haji
President: K M Kabeer
Secretary: Imtiyaz Krishnapura
Vice president: Basheer Welcome
Joint secretary: Faizal Krishnaura.
Treasurer: Ibrahim Baikampady.
Organizers: K M Hussain/Ibrahim Rakha/Saifuddin Krishnapura
Executive Members: Abdul Kader Thodar, Shareef M H, Shaik Krishnapura, Hyder Krishnapura, Naser krishnapura, Shafeeq Krishnapura, Rafiq Welcome

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