Dubai: Mansharu Ssaquafathil Islamia is an Institution situated at Gerukatte-Belthangady, remote area of Karnataka State in India. It was established in 2009 by Assayyed C.T.M. Umar Assaqaf Thangal Madani, under the blessings of Marhoom Taj-ul Ulama Sayyed Abdurrahman Kunhikkoya Thangal , Ex-President of Samastha Kerala Sunni Jam'iyyathul Ulema.

As part of fulfilling its ambitious plan, recently in Dubai, Manshar Chairman Assayyed C.T.M. Umar Assaqaf Thangal Madani announced the mission called Goals 2025 with a slogan “Impactful initiatives by Compassion”.
This mission comprises 6 attributes, i.e. Spreading knowledge, Combating Poverty & Illness, Empowering Community, Establishing Research Centre, Prosperity by Peace & Tolerance, Publication of Books & Periodicals with an intention of promoting the Institution as World Class Socio-economic development Organization. This mission is planned to adopt the system of uprising by understanding the peoples need at the region. The Chairman said, establishing the harmony is a challenge in the modern society, but nothing is impossible if we promote tolerance and openness among people by imparting morality based education with community empowerment in the parallel sequence.
On the directive of Chairman, Manshar Global Network has been formed & Haji Sheikh Bava Mangalore was selected as Mission Director under the UAE Chapter including 32 Directors from all over UAE. They are, Mr. Mohammed Rifay Katipalla, Dr. Zahoor Inamdar, Prof. Mahboob, Mr. Yaser, Mr. Hakeem Turkalike, Mr. Nazeer Kemmara, Mr. Ismail Haji Nala, Mr. Razak Haji Natekkal, Mr. PMH Abdul Hameed Iswaramangala, Mr. Ibrahim Bright Marble, Mr. Abubaker Kamblabettu, Mr. Abdul Hameed Uchil, Mr. Mustafa Nala, Mr. Ashraf, Abdul Rahiman Musliar, Mr. Yahya Abbas Ujire, Mr. Eqbal Kajoor, Mr. Rasheed Padeel, Mr. Zainudeen Bellary, Haji Moideen Kutty Dibba, Mr. Kamal GMC, Mr. Razak Fujairah, Mr. Hassan Kamblabettu, Mr. Ashraf Sattikkal, Mr. K. Mohammad Niyaz Farangipete, Mr. Mohammed Rafeek Kalladka, Mr. K. H. Saqafi, Mr. Noushad Sharjah, Mr. Ibrahim Nala.
As a second phase, its Indian Chapter will be opened soon with a team of selective members who voluntarily would like to join for the benevolent noble cause. The official launching of GOAL 2025 Manshar Cares plan will be held during January 2016 in Mansharabad at the premises of Institution.
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