Jeddah: IFF Organizes Hajj Volunteer Service for Indian Pilgrims news network
September 22, 2014

IFF Organizes  4

Jeddah, Sep 22: Hajj Volunteer Service is a three month process for India Fraternity Forum (IFF) every Hajj season. IFF service starts with the distribution of 'Hajj Handbook', which is handed out in six major Indian languages to the pilgrims before they leave for Hajj from the home country.

In Saudi Arabia the volunteers start their assistance with the arrival of the first flight in Jeddah, Madeena and Makkah as well.

In Makkah pilgrims are helped to reach their accommodation. The Inspirational experience of serving people during Hajj has increased the number of volunteers participating in the service.

IFF had to limit the number of volunteers due to constraints in accommodating them; this year more than 1000 volunteers served the purpose.

Volunteers were Indian expatriate from eleven states speaking major Indian languages. They include volunteers from Yanbu and Jeddah.

The airport authority of Jeddah has issued entry permit to Hajj Terminal for IFF volunteers to receive the pilgrims at their arrival and to facilitate the same service upon their departure as well.

For the third consecutive years IFF women volunteers also will take part to assist women pilgrims. They will provide service to the female pilgrims in the tents, especially old pilgrims of above 70 years.

Mina service continues from Dhulhajj 7 to 13 late evening till the last Indian pilgrim leaves the Mina tents.

IFF is getting tremendous support from Consulate General of India and its affiliates like Indian Pilgrims Welfare Forum (IPWF). IPWF has been coordinating the volunteer service and this year IFF designed the map for the Mina operations as per the instructions of CG.

Consulate has printed and distributed copies of this map to guide the stranded pilgrims. IFF provides adequate training to all of its volunteers in different languages.

Unlike past, this year IFF volunteers were provided with accommodation by the Consulate. IPWF has been distributing bottled water for the pilgrims while returning from Haram and they worked hard to guide the pilgrims and to give awareness on performing Hajj.

Volunteers guide the Indian pilgrims to their accommodation in Aziziah and help them by providing financial support and arrange re-imbursement of the amount, if there a loss of money.

The Saudi Government is improving the facilities for Hajj in order to assist the pilgrims and make their pilgrimage comfortable one.

The growing number of old aged pilgrims has made the volunteer service an imperative and more organized one.

IFF has formed special teams for Tent service, Field Service, Medical assistance, Logistics, Crisis Management and Public Relations for their Hajj service operations in Mina.

Entire Hajj service operation of the Forum is supervised by JanabMudassar, Karnataka (Chief Coordinator), Janab Abdul Ravoof (Vice Coordinator), Mohammed Ali Kerala (General Captain), C.V Ashraf (Logistics), Amir Sultan tamilnadu (Media), JanabNazeerfarookhisiddiq Andhra Pradesh, JanaabIrshad Ahmed Uttar Pradesh, Janab Sheikh Joyeel West Bengal, Janaab Mohammed ShajidBihar,Janaab Mohammed Anisuddin Maharashtra, Makka In charge Janaab Abdul Gaffer Kerala and Madinaa In charge Janaab Mohammed Musthafa Kerala appointed as member of executive committee.

IFF Organizes  1


IFF Organizes  3

IFF Organizes  2


Mohammad Samee…
Sunday, 5 Jun 2022

Khidmat e khalq

Monday, 16 May 2022

Nasib honi chahiye kismat karneki

Noorul basheer
Monday, 14 Feb 2022

Alhamdulillah its my pleasure to serve the haj pilgrims.

Mohamed Nasar
Saturday, 12 Feb 2022

I was working in KSA past 21 I settled in India (Chennai) .And I performed Haj in 2018 with my wife.Now I am very much interested service for hajees.My mob no-0091-8056118338. And I know Arabic also.pls consider Inshaa allahh

K. Sahabuddin
Friday, 11 Feb 2022

Assalamu Alaikum
I am intersted to work hajj voluntary please help me to work
I am from Tamilnadu (Chennai) I am 38 years old

Shaik shabbir
Tuesday, 18 Jan 2022

Iam intrested to kidmat to hajis

Hafiz Md Shahabuddin
Thursday, 9 Dec 2021

I am interested for Hajj and Umrah khidmat

Md maqsud
Wednesday, 24 Nov 2021

How i can become haj and umrah volunteer

Abdul Gafur Talukdar
Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021

I want to join this service phone 9365828096

Abdul Gafur Talukdar
Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021

I want to join the team for hajj any job my number is 9365828096

Minhaj Shaikh
Wednesday, 16 Jun 2021

Assalamualikum Sir,
Iss saal Khidmat Chalu h to
I am Interested for the post

Abdul salam ansari
Saturday, 23 Jan 2021

Salam walikum warahmatulla May 10 saal saudi me kaam kiya or yahi tammnna dilme hamesa raha ke hajji ki khidmat karoon magar waisa mauka nahi mil paya .ab may aap se ilteja karta hoon ke baar mujhe chance mil jata to mai aapka bahut sukrgujar hota.....

Sajid ali
Monday, 21 Dec 2020

Assalamualiakum mujhe job karni Tu please job dedo

Md Raghib Nadeem
Monday, 24 Feb 2020

For Hajj khidmat 

Abdul Faheem
Sunday, 23 Feb 2020

I am Abdul Faheem, an Indian citizen. I am looking job for Haj khidmat. It gives me a great pleasure to apply for Hajj volunteer as my wishes are to take care and serve the pilgrims of Hajj so that I can earn the rewards from Allah SWT.
I would like to proceed for volunteering of Hajj pilgrims. I will perform my best Insha Alla.

Abdul Faheem




Saturday, 25 May 2019

Sir, I had perform hajj in 2018-19 and i have seen your work during hajj it was tremendous, may allah reward you in jannah,  i am also keen to be part of your team. hope allah accept my application thru you.

Syed Mutaher H…
Tuesday, 12 Mar 2019

Respected sir, I have performed the gunj in 2016 and I want to make a helps of haji I want to work as volunteer kindly give me a chance of that job I will be highly thankful to you





Md Manzoor Ansari
Tuesday, 27 Nov 2018

Assalamo Alaikum 


my name : Mohammed Manzoor Ansari, currently i am working in Kolkata India ,  i am  a AC Technician , Before i worked  in  Saudia Arbia Madina & Jeddah city   maintanance  neare  Haram Hotel (  Dallah Taiba , Hilton & Andulas Group ) , before we more khidmat Done with piligrim hajjaj   in Madina & jeddah during the haj and Umrah  , we can speak English , Arabic, Hindi, Urdu , Read & Write   now  i am intrested  for khidmat haj  we have ECNR passport Ready  if you give Opportunity  i am ready to joine ,



 Mohammed Manzoor Ansari. 

Email :      Mob : 0091  9674971465 /9831655385




Thursday, 2 Aug 2018

i m in saudi arabia, i am willing to join .plz call 00966572375970



Ibrahim Mohammed
Sunday, 22 Jul 2018

Dear  brother,

my  name is Ibrahim ,Iam an engineer  working for aramco.This is year am very much intereted to join in your organisation to help the haji's.Ins haaa Allah  give me chance to  help and support Pilgrims.


my mobile  number 0565829149.

Mohd sajid sayyed
Tuesday, 17 Jul 2018

My name is Mohd sajid Sayyed , I want hajj khidmat for haji please contact us 8740012796

Mohd sajid sayyed
Saturday, 14 Jul 2018

I try 3 years for hajj khidmat , my name Mohd sajid Sayyed , kya mai hajj khidmat mai ja sakuga , lff organizes hajj volunteer service, please help me 8740012796

mohammed faiyaz
Friday, 13 Jul 2018

Assalam  alaikum 


i am intrested to work as hajj volunter 


my no 7204140448

Hasen sab
Saturday, 7 Jul 2018

Asalawalekum dear Sir am looking job for 3 month prasently working as  a opration manager in cheff at works bangalore handling 75 members staff and handling 4 outlet from last 12 years working in hospitality industries in bangalore karnataka call me on 9632101377, 9632324408, 9036580877

Rashid ali khan
Thursday, 5 Jul 2018

I am going to makka

Thursday, 5 Jul 2018

Assalamu Alaikum, Alhamdulillah I have been selected as Hajj Volunteer for 2018 by IFF.. JAZAKALLAH.. My No.9848180143

Ahmad Naseem
Wednesday, 4 Jul 2018

Assalamu alaykum,


I'm willing to go as a Hajj volunteer this year. Please assist.


Thanks & best regards

Ahmad Naseem


Contact no.: 0503507993


Shaikh Tabassu…
Monday, 2 Jul 2018

Assalamu allikum, 

I m interested in hajj volentry work in saudi arab . My mobile and whatsapp number is 9762536952. Pzz do contact me. Allah hafiz


Shaik Mohammad…
Sunday, 1 Jul 2018

Aslamilkum sir I want you kidmthul hajj iam working 10 years Saudi Arabia iknow very well arbic iam also Haj complete please give me one chance kidmthul hajj inshallah

Abdul Amani Quraishi
Wednesday, 20 Jun 2018

Sir I m Amani Qurashi i have receving your text i am selected IFF haj 2018 still i am  happy sir but problem is that i will contact mr.shoeib bhai but call is not connecting plz can you help me..& give me the no.of mr.Shoeib bhai & plz give me some detail on this no.9371017381,7020565393 and my E-mail address


syed zakir hussain
Wednesday, 6 Jun 2018

Assalamualikum i want to work as an hajj volunter Syed Zakir Resume for Hajj Volunter # DOOR. NO: 19-10-339, Khamiman road Shambhunipet, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh 506005. Mobile.No 91-9700265274 91-9160639586 OBJECTIVE: Highly motivated construction company seeking a challenging position in a high profile construction company willing to learn while eager to contributeto the growth of company Acadamic Qualifications :  B.Com From Kakatiya University.  Inter Mediate From Board of Intermediate Education.  S S C from Board of Secondary Education.  Draughtman Civil/auto  CAD from  Indo-British academy hyderabad  2008 o Sincere, hardworking, sociable, dedicated & willing to work on Challenging assignments.  WorkED as an “CHRIRTY VOLUTER FOR ARBIC SCHOOL & MASJID WARANGALin for a Period of jan2010 2011 COMPUTER Languages C C++ Foxpro database and programming SOFTWARE PACKAGES MS word excell Powerpoint WIN98/2000, MS DOS Auto cad 2d AND 3d HOBBIES playing and watching cricket Reading computer books PERSONAL PROFILE: Name : Syed zakir hussain Father’s Name : syed moin uddin Date of Birth : 11-2- 1984 Marital Status : Single Religion : Muslim Nationality : Indian Passport No : E5213627 I, Hereby declare that the above particulars are true to best of my knowledge if I appointed, i will do my best to rise to my employees satisfaction Date: Place: WARANGAL Signiture: SYEDZAKIR MY MOBILE NO 9160639586 umeed hi ke bahut ach replay milega Allah hafiz

mohammed shafique
Tuesday, 29 May 2018

i want to volunteer for hajj in 2018 my resume is attached plz do the needfull        

Mohammed  shafique

OBJECTIVES: To obtain a challenging job position in reputed organization and increase skills through continuous learning.

Worked in a Three Star Hotel- Hotel Ashok (Govt. Recognized) in Assistance to the Front Desk for a period of 11(Eleven) month  January ’98 to November ‘98(Maharashtra-Aurangabad)
Worked for Hindusthan Computers and Real Technology as a Customer Care Executive Maharashtra-Aurangabad for a period of 1 ½ years from December’98 to June ‘2000
Worked for Usha Martin as a Sales Executive for a period of 1 year from August 2000 to 2001.
Worked for Junction as a officer-In-Charge from August 2000 to 2001.
Worked for Arena Multimedia as a Placement Executive for a period of 9 months 2001 to 2002.
Was currently employed with Anam Motors as Asst. Regional Sales Manager(Maharashtra –Aurangabad)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:
Finished e-com Web Developer from Big Leap Computer Academy (Formerly known as EL-Net3L Academy)
Conversant in operation system like windows(Word, Excel, Power Point)
Sound knowledge of Graphic Software like Adobe Photoshop.
Thorough with Web Tools like HTML, FrontPage Express.
(2) currently  looking  for  chains of optical  showroom  handling  stock  and  customer  queries  and  accounts

Passed Higher Secondary Milliya Jr. College of Arts, Science & Vocational; Beed-Aurangabad(Maharashtra)

Go-getters with excellent motivational Self-Starting Skills.
Managerial Capabilities
Well organized and ability to work under pressure.
Interacting with People
Surf the Net
Swimming and Martial Arts.
Date of Birth:29th September, 1978
Ref: Available on request.


Date: ________________________
  9007045515 7980276152

saroosh khanzada.
Sunday, 27 May 2018



I wish to go for Hajj Khidmat and to also to perform my own Hajj or Umrah as I am an under privelleged Man and do not have the means to go for Hajj or Umrah on my own,So kindly consider my case and oblige.Thanking You.My Cell Number: 8408065974.My Email ID:

Asib ahmad
Saturday, 26 May 2018

I want to go haji khidmat  no 9919231807

md afzal khan
Thursday, 3 May 2018

Assalaamualikum my md afzal khan my ye job karnha charoun plz meri help karo mera contact no:7893165949 plz plz call kariye janab meri baadi tamanah hai meku kuch bhi nai diye toh bhi chal ta bus meku khidmath karnhe ka maukha dijiye maka sharif aur madinah sharif me ye mere aakhiri waqt my maka sharif aur madinah sharif me guzarnha  charoun baadi maherbani hogi my ap k liye dua karunga mereku ye job dilado I WANT TO B A VOLUNTEER FOR THE LIFE OF MY END 2018 HAJJ PLEASE GUIDE ME MD.AFZAL KHAN 7893165949

sadaqat husain
Wednesday, 2 May 2018

mera no 8454989878/7021353205

sadaqat husain
Wednesday, 2 May 2018

assalamoalaykum mujhe bhi jana haji khidmat kliye plzz mujhe chance dedo


Saturday, 21 Apr 2018

Assalam Allekum i want to join in khadimul haj 2018 voluntree kanpur India, so plz help my contact no: +919415079595


Danish Alam Mansoori
Saturday, 7 Apr 2018

Assalamu ale kum my self Danish Alam Mansoori I am graduate and working in nagar Panchayat S a tax collector in Uttar Pradesh.i want to go as a haj volunteers.plz tell me the procedure and also the last contact no.8957980222

Shamser Ali
Tuesday, 13 Feb 2018

I want haji khidmat pls sir cont.9883849957

Shamser Ali
Thursday, 25 Jan 2018

Asaalam allaikum I want haji khidmat job pls cont .9883849947

Saturday, 6 Jan 2018

سلام عليكم، I have experience in this work , I was at Hajj terminal for Hajis. I can speak Arabic also. I would wish to serve them once again. 






Friday, 10 Nov 2017


Wednesday, 11 Oct 2017

Assalamu Alaikkum Wa rahamathullahi Wa Barakathuhu, I am ready to Volunteer for Hajj 2018, so please give me chance to do this work. Please accept me and I have the passport 


mohammad er
Monday, 7 Aug 2017

ilove allah allah loves madad so plz i want to do kidhmat for hajis


Mohammad Rizwan
Monday, 31 Jul 2017

i am Engineer by professional, in saudi for 6 years


i want to be a member for Hajj volunter for this year 2017 

from Uttar Pradesh



Shahnawaz Qureshi
Monday, 31 Jul 2017

I m intrested in  khidmat , my number is 9892145934

Ramla Ahammed …
Thursday, 2 Mar 2017

Ma sha allaha great job in sha allaha I want to join in future

mohammed abdul…
Monday, 27 Feb 2017

CELL 9700716018/8341543180

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M Siraj
March 26,2025


Jeddah: The Jeddah Kerala Pouravali Community hosted a heartfelt Iftar gathering, exemplifying the values of human brotherhood and unity. The event brought together representatives from diverse social, political, educational, cultural, and religious organizations, further enriching the spirit of inclusivity. Adding to its significance, office bearers from all fourteen districts of Kerala’s local bodies also participated, underscoring a strong sense of solidarity and shared purpose.

Kabeer Kondotty, Chairman of Jeddah Kerala Pouravali, highlighted the impactful activities of the organization and delivered an inspiring message on the essence of Ramadan. He emphasized that fasting is not just about abstaining from food and drink but a transformative journey toward spiritual purity, self-discipline, and compassion. "Fasting nurtures the heart, purifies the soul, and reminds us of our shared humanity, fostering empathy, humility, and gratitude," Kabeer noted.

He further addressed the growing issue of drug intoxication, stressing the Jeddah Keralite community’s commitment to combating this social menace. Through collective action and awareness, the community aims to break the chains of addiction and promote a healthier, drug-free future.

General Convener Mansoor Wayanad warmly welcomed the attendees, setting a tone of unity and camaraderie. Treasurer Shareef Arakkal concluded the event with a heartfelt vote of thanks, acknowledging the contributions of all participants in making the gathering a meaningful success. The seamless organization of the Iftar was ensured by key coordinators Beerankutty Koissan, Jaleel Kannamangalam, C.H. Basheer, Unni Thekkedathu, and Navas Thangal.

Additionally, the dedicated office bearers of Jeddah Kerala Pouravali, including Salah Karadan, Mirza Shareef, Venugopal Anthikkad, Abdul Khader Aluva, Shameer Nadvi, Rafi Beemapally, Ali Thekkuthodu, and Noushad Chathalloor, played a pivotal role in the event’s smooth execution.

Beyond a shared meal, the community Iftar gathering served as a platform for exchanging Ramadan greetings and strengthening bonds of unity and mutual respect among attendees from various walks of life.





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Media Release
March 15,2025


Dubai: The Bearys Cultural Forum (BCF), one of the most prominent overseas Kannada community service organizations, hosted a grand Iftar gathering at Al Zahiya Banquet Hall, Dubai. The event witnessed an overwhelming participation of approximately 1,400 Non-Resident Kannadigas (NRKs), reinforcing a strong sense of unity, spirituality, and interfaith harmony.

The gathering was presided over by BCF President Dr. B.K. Yusuf and BCF Founder-Patron Dr. Thumbay Moideen. The occasion was further dignified by the esteemed presence of the Honorable Consul General of India for Dubai and Northern Emirates, Shri Satish Kumar Sivan, along with Al Haj Taha Bafaki Tangal and Janab Al Haj Asgarali Tangal.

Several key figures played an instrumental role in organizing the event, including BCF General Secretary Dr. Kapu Mohammed, BCF Iftar Committee Chairman Janab Abdul Lathif Mulky, Vice Chairman Janab Afeeq Hussain, Key Office Bearer Janab Aslam Karaje, and BCF Advisory Board Members Janab Ibrahim Gadiyar and Janab Aboosalih M. Hussain. The event was also graced by distinguished guests such as Janab Ameeruddin S.I., Janab Rizwanullah Khan (Executive President, Emirates Glass), Janab K.M. Ashraf, Shri Praveen Amarnath, Advocate Khalil, Janab Salman Abdul Khader, Janab Mazhar Syed Beary (Bearys Group), Janab Khaleq Ali, Janab Shaikh Muzaffer (Founder President, AIM India Forum), Janab Ashraf Shah Manthoor (President, Karnataka Islamic Centre), Janab Noor Ashfaq, and Janab Basheer Kinnigoli Moolur.

A host of BCF office bearers, including Janab Yakub Dewa, Janab Iqbal Mefa, Janab Usman Moolur, Janab Nawaz Kotekar, Janab Niyaz Farangipete, Janab Ashraf Sathikal, Janab Suleman Moolur, Janab Rafiq Mulky, Janab Lathif, Janab Rahman Sajpa, Janab Ameer Halyangadi, Janab Samad Beerali, and Janab Riyaz Suratkal, along with BCF Women's Wing President Mrs. Mumtaz Kapu and other active women members, significantly contributed to the success of the event.

The program commenced with a Qira’ath and an Islamic discourse by Janab Ashraf Sathikal, followed by a heartfelt Dua by Janab Al Haj Thaha Bafakhi Thangal.

On this occasion, BCF honored Shri Satish Kumar Sivan for his distinguished presence and significant contributions. Additionally, Mr. Shaikh Muzaffer, Founder President of AIM India Forum, received an appreciation award in recognition of his outstanding service to the community.

In his address, Shri Satish Kumar Sivan acknowledged BCF’s exceptional efforts in community service and praised the patriotic spirit and dedication of Non-Resident Kannadigas (NRKs) towards the welfare of society. BCF President Dr. B.K. Yusuf elaborated on BCF’s vision and past contributions, while BCF Iftar Committee Chairman Janab Abdul Lathif Mulky extended gratitude to the volunteers and attendees. BCF Steering Committee Chairman Janab M.E. Moolur announced the upcoming BCF Annual Convention in Mangalore this August, encouraging widespread participation. Additionally, Janab Rizwanullah Khan emphasized the importance of community service and selfless dedication.

The event concluded with a special vote of thanks by Janab Suleman Moolur, acknowledging the contributions of all organizers and attendees. Guests, including dignitaries and women participants, were presented with special gifts as tokens of appreciation. The Iftar was served in an exceptionally well-organized manner, featuring exquisite traditional dishes, symbolizing the essence of unity and humanitarian values.

The BCF Iftar Meet 2025 stands as a testament to the cultural richness, communal harmony, and service-oriented spirit of the Kannada diaspora in the UAE.













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